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Old 04-15-06, 09:38 PM   #39
Piztol Pete
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Posts: 4

Originally Posted by LaTiNKiTTeN
yall are just a bunch of stupid lil kids who think its cool to ride jay z's nuts...
that verse...aint shit,i'm sure i can fuckin find some verses on THIS BOARD that are better like seriously its nothin but biggin himself up its nothin special there isnt one line i like in there...he's a businessman thats it
...i love cam ,between all the tutty frutty lines,he has some complex lines but yall are way too young n retarded to even pick up on has crazy flow ridiculous n he can spit a fuckin nursery rhyme in pink clothes n he is still better than jay z any day of the week...........

lmao lmao oh shit thats the funniest shit i ever heard in the 18 years my ears have been filled with sound oh shit jus think about what u said starting at ...i love cam....u just dissed him yaself but u female u proly think he cute or somethin because he's fuckin HORRIBLE and has no complexity what so ever matter fact fuck complexity that aint shit he's jus plain wack wit no talent he USED to be hot back in the Killa Cam Murda Mase days if u wanna brag go back to that era and even still Jay-z would still kill him!
"At your wake as i peak in,
look in your casket
Feelin sarcastic,
'look at him, still sleepin' "
Cam cant even fuck with that line


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