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Old 04-17-06, 05:05 AM   #35
Posts: 139

As I listened to LaVey talk that first time, I realized at once there was nothing to connect him
with the occult business. He could not even be described as metaphysical. The brutally frank
talk he delivered was pragmatic, relativistic, and above all rational. It was unorthodox, to be
sure: a blast at established religious worship, repression of humanity's carnal nature, phony
pretense at piety in the course of an existence based on dog-eat-dog material pursuits. It was
also full of sardonic satire on human folly. But most important of all, the talk was logical. It
was not quack magic that LaVey offered his audience. It was common sense philosophy based
on the realities of life.

Ripperz -And- WriterZ

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