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Old 04-19-06, 07:12 PM   #1
Hate chew
Yes you.
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Posts: 229
Hip Hop Appreciation Week 2006


MARK YOUR CALENDARS! May 15th-22nd 2006 marks the 9th Annual Hip Hop Appreciation Week (H.H.A.W.). Since 1998 the third week in May has become a time to reflect upon our roles as citizens of the international Hip Hop community and to recommit ourselves to Hip Hop’s core principles of peace, love, unity and safely having fun!

In the past we’ve reflected upon such themes as; Faith (2005), Freedom (2004), Forgiveness (2003), Charity (2002) and Peace (2001). This year (2006) our theme is “ACTION”. And with all of our themes “Action” shall be the focus of our lectures, writings and events for 2006. We are urging ALL Hiphoppas to consider their actions as well as their inaction. Consider how your actions and/or inaction may be affecting others. Consider the results of your past actions and seek ways to improve or lessen such “actions” in the future.

Be active! Walk more. Exercise more. Speak out more! Think more! But also remember that “inaction” is indeed an action as well. Silence is also an activity. Rest and stillness are also activities. Fasting from food, sex, gossip, war, drugs and the needless spending of money are also “actions”. The point is to be conscious of your “actions” this year.

If you are inspired in any way to organize a public and/or private event for Hip Hop Appreciation Week-May 15 th-22 nd 2006 in your city, town or home you can email your request and a brief description of your event to: HHAW2006@AOL.COM. We would be honored to make your event official and promote it on this and other websites in support of Hip Hop Appreciation Week.

Don’t just sit around wondering what you can do to preserve our international culture. Get involved! With proper planning and a little support you may raise your own self-worth and inspire your entire community. Remember, ACTIONS do speak much louder than WORDS! Let’s get to work! —Hip Hop Appreciation Week-May 15 th-22 nd 2006.

Im A Throwback
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