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Old 04-22-06, 06:27 PM   #1
Vendetta the K.O. King
Phenom-in-all's Avatar
Posts: 4,333
From: the 306 & 780... CANADA
Good guys finish first?


Aight - this is a very Q-ish type thread, but just thought I'd post it and see who does the same thing. Wednesday, me and my boy were out at the club (more of a lounge... a high end place to chill n drink in my city) and on the way out, I found this wallet on the ground. Now my boy was like "man, check for cash, and toss it, those shits are a hassle". But ME, I was like - "eff that man, what if YOU lost your wallet?" So anyways, I open it up, and theres credit cards, health cards, bank cards, no cash, but drivers id, and some other id. (Not to mention personal affects - pictures of fam, etc) So, me being the decent person I am, went home and called her to let her know I found her wallet (answering machine). She swung by this morning to pick it up, and was almost in tears that someone would actually do this, rather than jus toss it. She had gotten me a card thanking me with a massive note in it, and she gave me $20. Now, the cash ain't a thing, cause I'm not hurting or anything, but to see how it TOTALLY made her YEAR, that she didnt have to replace all of those cards n stuff, was awesome. PLUS, I think home girl was TOTALLY feelin me for being the gentleman n stuff. (sidenote: she was a DIME) SO anyways, I'm thinking bout calling her and thanking her for the note n stuff, and asking if we can share the cash she gave me on some drinks. Hopefully it all turns out good, but either way - it feels good to be the good guy sometimes.

*dusts shoulder off*

19 wins, 19 KO's yup.

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