Thread: Mimesis
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Old 04-23-06, 12:22 AM   #8
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

LMAO @ this. You make a callout when I'm not on the computer and then say that I'm ducking you? I HAVEN'T BEEN ONLINE, QUEERBOY. You're just mad because you tried to blame Swift getting arrested on the fucking government like he didn't break the law to get on probation then didn't comply with the directions of it. . TWICE. Just shut the fuck up. Have I ever battled audio on this site before? Nope. Do I have a reason to audio battle you now? Nope. Just because you can't explain the blatant Eminem/D12 dickriding you do all over this board without sounding like a complete fucking faggot, doesn't mean I need to audio battle you. How the fuck did you draw the conclusion that would solve anything?

Let's just take a look at the possible outcomes;

I win, you lose. You get made fun of for losing to a primarily text head. I win nothing for beating a fucking nobody/emo kid who had his e-friend tell everybody he died on an internet rap forum board for attention. Wow. Great accomplishment for me.

You win, I lose. You take pride in beating a primarily text head. I don't lose anything because I AM A PRIMARILY TEXT HEAD. After that you keep posting up your posts laced with Eminem/D12 dickriding and I keep calling you on it. You keep not looking like a fucking dumbass and we both go on and eventually forget that we even battled because neither one of us gains or loses anything out of the whole situation.

Those are some tight circumstances, but I think I'm going to have to pass for now. I have two other track ideas that I'm working on with my cousin, and I think I'd be better off spending my time doing them then I would doing this.

Now's about the time where you come in and be like, "Oh, YOU DUCKED" without addressing anything I just took the time to type out because you and I both know that it's right and that you're a fucking faggot. Have a great night.
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