Thread: Ban Tha Q.?
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Old 04-23-06, 04:53 PM   #13
47.29" of Zigs
my alliance is with ganja
Posts: 780
From: gallatin mo

its not qs fault

its the much stricter voting rules than we had when rv was prospering
--it used to be easy you could just say who won and that was it now you have to write 151085230785 page essay on why someone won

its cuz people cant handle losing
--so theres 159781238957 complains of hate voting dr and everything else just so kids wont lose

its cuz no one wants to battle
--cuz it takes 19571298375190 months to get 3 votes on a battle and another 172913057823408957239047852390457 months to get the last two thus no one feels compelled to battle

its cuz everyone puts so much emphasis on audio
--nobody wants to do text cuz the only thing that gets attention ne more is audio its just like oh wow ur cool ur a text head cuz you dont have the money to get audio production equipment

its cuz the awards got fucked up
--theres no reason for ne one to do nething cuz theres no rewards for it. kinda gay

its cuz vets discriminate agains new cats
--no one cares about nething a new cat says, they just shoved away like i shove off ugly hoes at clubs

its cuz everyone is lazy
--no one wants to do a damn thing about it

its cuz of the super crews
--look theres only like 3 good crews, the council, ai and someone else im sure. they need broke up there has to be a balance the only balanced crew is tti and it still sucks they just have babs & mimesis.

so my solution:

change the voting system on battles to where people dont have to put too much effort into voting. before the new rules came into place i actually voted. now i dont cuz its too much effort and no one will rtf anyways

change the complaints to where u can only complain like so many times a month. if ur gonna get hate voted then blacklist your haters!!! hey novel idea worked for cali didnt it? and when ur battling someone with d/r then blacklist their d/r

reform the crews. no one wants to do it. but it needs done. i say there should be a limit on how many cats can be in one crew, and there should be a draft, or something to even them out, so crew battles will be fairer. and with less strict voting rules battles can get done faster so you have more crew battles which equals more battles.

think about it kids it all makes sense

we gots to stop being so greedy to save the site be less lazy about shit

aint qs fault
proud owner of a 47 inch cock


Originally Posted by Kings
concidering that i've got compliments from girls off of rv from that pic makes me wonder where your pictures are.....

Originally Posted by .Diabolic.
Oh and lk I got a serious question 2 ask u baby from me 2u. Will u marry me and be my wife, and the mother of my kids and all?

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