Thread: Sin Is Sin
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Old 04-25-06, 04:48 PM   #2
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036

Originally Posted by Chris Stylez
Ok Im not a faggot or anything. But why does everyone think just because the person is gay he cannot be a christian or he goes aginst everything he believes in. Being gay is a sin. And sin is a sin. Just like adultry is sin. Alot of christians have sex before marriage yet they are not bothered by it. Alot of Christian get drunk just for the hell of it but dont get bothered by it. Why do some many Claim Tha Q is going aginst what he beleive in just because he is gay. It's the most aload of bullshit. Im not saying I agree with tha Q's beleif in being gay. But why do so many unbeleivers wish to talk about someones religions saying that they go aginst what the beleive in just because they are something they're religion says it wrong. I Drink, I smoke, I curse, commit violent acts upon my brothers, and have sex outside of marriage all which are sin. But yet im still a christian. Why bag on gay christians when being gay is a sin just like any other sin. Why put sin above another sin when sin is sin. And im not saying it just the site im saying it's everywhere. Plz give me your POV's?

Even though you had a few incorrect statements in there, I agree with most of it. Society teaches people that being gay is the "WORST" sin, and that gay people are "sick" and "perverted". But, the truth of the matter is that everyone sins, regardless of what that sin is. Saying someone who deals with gay issues isn't a Christian, or can't be a Christian is as dumb as saying someone who curses, or fornicates, or drinks, or is full of pride can't be a Christian.

In fact, people who make that statement don't understand Christianity or God at all. Let's look at God's track record on using people throughout the bible:

The following people are considered GREAT people of God, despite their vices.

King David: committed murder by having Bathsheba's husband fight on the front line of a war...Then, after her husband was killed, David had committed adultery with Bathsheba. Despite all that, God still called David, "a man after my own heart."

Moses: Had a terrible temper...was a murderer...CURSED...Yet, many would consider him to be the greatest prophet the bible has ever seen.

Solomon: Was a fornicator...adulterer...Yet, is considered to be the "wisest man to ever live"

Rahab...Was a prostitute...lied alot...Yet, she helped God's people escape capture during a war and Jesus' blood line came through her.

Paul the apostle...Name was SAUL...was a MURDERER...killed MANY christians...God forgave him for all that and used him to write over 2/3 of the New testament of the Holy Bible.

__________________________ <---- FIll in your name here.

^^Point is...God's Grace and Forgiveness extends to those who ask. The fact that someone struggles more (constant sin) means that God extends more grace to them.

Unbelievers don't understand this because they aren't in the mind set to know how God works.

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