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Old 04-28-06, 12:02 AM   #15
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by -White Powder-
I'd think smaller labels = smaller pay.....

Sure ur gonna make more per cd... but you're not gonna sell as many as a major label artists with large promotion and all that crap...

then again I know next to shit about labels... I prefer the indie style myself... My Music.. bitch My money :-) haha but yeah...

that's pretty close, but it's not always true, "sales" are based on "exposure" and deliv of product, and demand.

Publusher = gets you in the public eye, ear, nose, mouth and every where else they have the power to get you. aka, The Demand.

Distribution = gets your records to the people who see your face everywhere. aka....The Supply.

^^it's all about those two. dosen't matter if it's a big, or small label.

Originally Posted by SerB
? what dont you get.

i saw this on t.v where they explained it.

Labels are in a way like a loan, IN A WAY.

They the ones who copy out the cds and what not. but rappers dont get there money from selling cd, its real hard, you have to sell alot to make money, cuz you have to break even. cuz the label takes back alot of the money later that they did to put your name out.

majority of the money comes from concerts and merchandise.

and yes, you get free studio time. if you are under that label.

what don't I get? are you for real? hahhhhahaha. you're funny.

For starters, "getting your name out" is called Publishing. Publshing promotes the album on the Label's budget, not the artists advance. you have no clue what you're talking about. You saw something on TV and now you tihnk you know but you're way wrong man.

Originally Posted by PIMPIN aint easy
wat your talkin about is artists like 50 cent, jay-z etc. u are talking about is multi platinum selling artists, these people get advancements which is the loan your talkin about which basically covers the image of the artist to basically make them seem legit to the commercial industry as a big dawg like wit the advncment get a nice house a dope a car sum nice chains etc.......

do u tihnk indie artists or small label artists make money off merchandise lol come on small time artists make their money from selling their cds thats where their profit come from, for the 50 cents the money to be made off album sales is pocket change so they make there money by endorsing products where they get paid millions of dollars by corporations to promote their product

what??? ahahhahhah nah man lmao, multiplatinum artists get signing bonuses that they DON'T have to pay back cuz they're proven sales machines. You see it in the videos and think they give that shit to you too, they don't.

and once agian, LABELS pay for publushing, it does not come out of your advance.

if it did, Artists would drop when ever they want, instead of whne the LABEL wants.

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