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Old 04-28-06, 09:02 AM   #1
Light Weight
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Posts: 313
From: -state of mind-
Q- How do you make syrup? *Purple drank*



i've been reading up on this for a couple of days now, and i still haven't came to a positive conclusion... one thing though i pretty sure it doesn't have to be purple..

im from michigan not texas so my dealers aren't stocked up on this product..

so i have found some ways to make it.. i think.

-some places said you have to use *promethazine with codine* but im positive you need a script to get that...

but there has to be non presciption cough syrup that can almost do the same trick..because DXM is in over the counter products

-So i figured out a way that should worked decently i think.. im thinkin 2 oz of robotussum max strength, and i will throw in like 2 tyelonol 3 w/ codeine.. prolly crushed up then fill the rest of the cup with sprite and a jolly rancher...

-from what i've read this should give the same effect given the amount of codeine and DXM...

--if you have ANY other recipes or you think mine will work please drop a post..

...The Brightest...

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