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Old 04-28-06, 07:00 PM   #1
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036
Thumbs up My Review of "United 93"


Let me cut to the chase. This is a fantastic movie, hands down. I give it 4 out of 4 stars. For all the talk of whether or not it's "too soon" for this film, it delivers more than expected.

This movie recounts the doomed flight United 93 that was supposed to hit the U.S. Capital on 9/11. It takes place in real time from the boarding, until its eventual crash in a field in Pennsylvania.

The fact that I and everyone knows what happened before the people in the movie creates a sense of never-ending dread. This intensity is magnified by the fact that many of the Air Traffic Controllers played themselves in this movie. In one scene, the Head of Air Traffic at one control center reacts to the first plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. "Oh my God, do you see that!" <----------That sent chills down my spine because this was no doubt the exact same thing he said in real life when it happened at that exact sequence in time.

The writers/directors do not provide any breaks from the intense drama and action surrounding these events. One aspect of this movie, and ultimately the real life heroes, I admired was how the Air Traffic controllers took charge of a chaotic situation and made decisions even when they couldn't seem to get a hold of President Bush. There's one scene after the 2nd plane hit the 2nd WTC when F16 jets are dispatched, but mysteriously unarmed. Military command for the upper Northeast couldn't seem to get their acts together to get authorization from Vice President Cheney or President Bush to engage the hijacked planes. And, we all know what happened.

By the time the 3rd plane hit the Pentagon near Washington, D.C., the passengers on flight United 93 began to get word from relatives they called that 2 planes had already hit the WTC. It's at this time they realize they are not going to survive the flight and plot to regain control of the airplane. As we already know, they did regain control of the plane, but was unsuccessful in saving the craft from its suicidal mission. United 93 was intended to crash into the Capitol Building here in Washington. I and everyone in the D.C. area have those heroes to thank.

This movie was amazing in it's simplicity, yet powerful in it's delivery. There were no famous actors in it. And, many of the parts were played by the actual people who had to make life and death decisions on that fateful day. I found myself tearing up in more than a few spots because, as I stated earlier, I had knowledge of what would happen while the passengers and even Air Traffic Control were oblivious. It made my heart feel like it was going to pound out of my chest.

United 93 is a must see movie. The film makers did a great job of telling the story of unlikely heroes without exploiting the terrible events of that day. So many memories flooded my mind while watching this movie. I remember the exact spot I stood when a co-worker broke the news to us that day. Seeing "United 93" reminded me that we've come a long way from 2001, but have a long way to go.

Is it worth a look? YES
Stars: 4 Stars
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