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Old 04-29-06, 08:31 PM   #14
Posts: 1,112
From: Right here.

Originally Posted by Locutus
Lol I've been battling like 17 months in another language and I have seen the lines quoted from Meta-4 many times before...
This is my second battle in english though so I don't know if that's played in English...

And that No1-line was used last how come people don't notice it is played now?

''When I read ..... was no.1, I lauged honest n serious,
Till I realised that I had to read that without any periods....''

wtf.. rofl. ur an idiot. all the concepts in this league have been used before. its the wordin.

and the concept you chose to sway with(btw, kempo, hes swayin) was nothin like mine. my concept had to do with your record. the no. 1 concept you show'd had to do with rankin. BIG difference, idiot.
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