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Old 04-30-06, 03:06 PM   #8
Posts: 139

no doubt...this is all knowledge from other books lined up for you guys, thought some of ya'll might find it interesting

Celsus, wrote of the church leaders in the third century:
“You utter fables, and you do not even possess the art of making them seem likely... You
have altered three, four times and oftener, the texts of your own Gospels in order to deny
objections to you.”
In 1958, a manuscript was discovered at a monastery at Mar Saba, east of Jerusalem,
which shows how the Jesus story was rewritten by the Church whenever it suited them
at the time. It was found by an American, Morton Smith, Professor of Ancient History
at Columbia University, and it included the content of a letter by Bishop Clement of
Alexandria, Egypt, an early Christian father, to a colleague called Theodore. It also
revealed an unknown segment of Mark’s Gospel which had been suppressed. It
included in the ‘Jesus’ story some details of mystery school initiations and it was an
account of the raising of Lazarus by Jesus, the famous raising from the dead. In this
suppressed text Lazarus called to Jesus before any ‘raising’ took place, so proving that
he was not supposed to be physically dead. There was also another devastating
revelation for Christianity. The manuscript makes references to the effect that Jesus was
understood to have engaged in possible homosexual practices involving the ‘rich young
man’ mentioned in Mark’s Gospel. Let me stress that I am not condemning
homosexuality here. Good luck to those who wish to live their lives in this way so long
as it’s the choice of all concerned. I am making the point that the Christian hierarchy
have been deceiving and lying to their followers right from the start. Bishop Clement’s
letter was replying to a Christian who was very perturbed to be told the above story of
‘Jesus’ by the Gnostic group called the Carpocrates. It had apparently been leaked to
them by an official in Alexandria. Clement’s advice, after confirming the story, was that
anything which contradicts the official church view must be denied, even if it is true.
The letter says of those who question official orthodoxy:
“For even if they should say something true, one who loves the Truth should not, even so,
agree with them... To them one must never give way; nor, when they put forward their
falsifications, should one concede that the secret Gospel is by Mark - but should deny it on
oath. For not all true things are to be said to all men.”
Clement was summing up the attitude of the Brotherhood and their religious
fronts throughout history. Most members of the Church follow the party line because
that is what they are condtioned to believe, but within these ‘religions’ are the secret
sects which know the truth. They are organisations within organisations or an
organisation (the reptilian Brotherhood) within organisations. It was such people
who created the religion in the first place and compiled and translated the Bible, the
book that was to mind control the world for centuries and, to a very large extent, still
does. Jerome became secretary to Pope Damasus in about 382 and he was
commissioned to bring various texts together to produce the Bible in Latin, the
official language of Rome. Now we had another translation, the Hebrew and Greek
into Latin, plus Jerome’s own prejudices. His version is known as the Vulgate, from the
Latin Vulgata, meaning in common use. The English derivative, vulgar, meaning ‘in
poor taste’, would have been a better description. Jerome edited the texts as he saw fit
and rejected those which didn’t support the creed of Nicaea. He worked with another
church ‘father’, the sex bomb, Augustine. Jerome and Augustine both agreed that
women were morally and spiritually inferior and that sex and earthly pleasures were a
source of evil which kept men from their spiritual path. Poor sods. They examined 13
gospels, nine acts and teachings of the Apostles, plus 31 letters and other writings. They
decided which were ‘orthodox’ and which were to be rejected. Their choice was
supported by the Council of Carthage in 397 and confirmed again by Pope Innocent I a
hundred years later. Jerome’s Vulgate Bible became widely accepted as the version. The
Council of Trent in 1545 decreed that it was the only acceptable one for Roman
Most Christians could not understand what it said because they didn’t read Latin, but
they could rely on the priests to tell them what it said they should do. People were
condemned and killed for the crime of translating the Bible into English because doing
so allowed millions to actually read the texts the priests were using to control and
terrify them.

Ripperz -And- WriterZ

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