Thread: Riddle
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Old 04-30-06, 06:56 PM   #11
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

Originally Posted by Algebra
haha funnier yet...u was born by accident cuz ur mother fucked too much...
maybe if ur mother woulda stopped acting like a slut so much she wouldnt of had a fuck up like u (and litarrally a fuck up)
shoulda had a fuckin abortion and shit...cuz now u came out as ugly as her
and thats right u one of those rich kids that always does there homework and studies all the time and get straight A's on there report card otherwise they'd get grounded for a few weeks or some shit right??
ur a fuckin joke go back to school and shut the fuck up
lol just like unfullfilled said u look like justin timberlake haha fuckin queer

Oh, so funny..

My mother sleeping with my father and her husband and using a condom. <-- What a slut, I can't believe it. This is unheard of..

Yes, I'm such a fuck up that they decided to keep me, raise me to be healthy, clean, educated, and have direction.

No, I don't study ever. I'm just not an idiot and can grasp concepts easily. I try in school so I can make money for the future. I get drunk ever weekend because I enjoy being shit faced.

You think I look like Justin Timberlake? Awesome dude, 80% of the female population find him attractive and are in love with him. I'll take that.

So that brings us to you..

We got Algebra here.. A kid that is a fuckin' loser in real life so he tries to make friends on the internet but is also hated there. He thinks he is down with the hip-hop scene but doesn't have one ounce of talent.

A kid that wont' post a pic that isn't edited because he knows he's an ugly cunt and will get made fun of.

A fuckin' kid who thought people would care when he left, but nobody gave a shit. Thought somebody might care if he came back, but we all made fun of him..

You're a fuckin' joke dude, nobody here respects you, you suck at rap, you suck at everything you attempt really, go quit life.
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