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Old 05-02-06, 05:13 PM   #7
its WU muthafucka
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Posts: 1,118

Originally Posted by Ysdat
doesnt realy cost a thing. You can have it registered as A buisness for free.

The cost's come into play when you want to actually record.
you wil need good enough recording gear.
computer 2000
mic roughly 100-300 dollers
pre amps.
mic cable.

then you need to put out your first mixtape that looks decent enough to claim its under a label.
so you will need.
Enough CD cases and CD's to get the word out there that your a label.
roughly 500-1000
you will need advertising. Price will vary depending on how dedicated you are.
You may need to rent someone small to do a live show of some sort.

It all depends on how far your wanting to take it, and what angle your going with it.

you can easily grab a mic computer record a track and say " this is is my label called "donuts productions" first single.

thats still legit to call it a label. But its a worthless label with no money backing you and no one on it but you.

i just thought it would be a good idea to get a deal for 1-2 albums
then u haver large audience then if u own your label fans that bought your 1,or 2 albums would keep buying from u and it wouldnt matter cause you get 100% of the profit
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