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Old 05-02-06, 05:20 PM   #9
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

you need to proberly do alot more reaserch into this.
I am in the process of starting my own label, have been looking into it for months now.
I met with a guy last night from sony, (signed to sony) and he gave me alot of good tips and shit that only a industry cat would know, and most the time alot wouldnt be willing to tell.

Releasing your own music on CD means that, for all intents and purposes, you've become your own record label, even if you didn't go about the administrative tasks of setting up a separate company. A record label is in the business of releasing records; since you've done that or plan to do it very shortly, you are already performing the job of a record label. It makes sense to take a few simple, additional steps to formalize what you are doing under the business title of Record Label.

Theres many things you need to do along the way, but obviously you have to keep it too your budget. money is the key here.
but you can start it with nothing, i have.

Somewere along the road you will need to register your label's name, in doing this you will go to license with the secretary of state or registrar of deeds in your home state.Ask to file a ficticious name statment.
This will some what copy write your labels name and also make sure the label name your stating isnt allready taken, or someone has a name close to it and could lead to legal issues down the line.

But basically for now bro, the more money you have the better. The more your labels known the better.

So my advice is, if your dedicated, save every doller towards it. Start promoting it put out a few singles to hand out for free in your local and tell them that this si the music your making on yoru label.

just try bro, you dont need much money to set things off with.
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