Thread: Mimesis vs /ing
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Old 05-03-06, 10:40 AM   #8
X-tortion's Avatar
Posts: 108

Voted For: Mimesis

This is a waste of my time. . my punches'll just wreck your face
All I need is five minutes to drop this peice of shit into second place
It's whatever. . I'm just better then you, and my raps is gory
So I'll push back slash. . until he shifts straight to the wack category
Yeah, it's cool. . I win battles, gain respect, never spittin garbage
. .While an I Q. . just answers what the site should consider retarded


The bottom line is this
I will brutalise this M-I-M-E-sisisy,
Worst than a repeated wife abuser
Work over his kneecaps with a sledgehammer
Eagle this asshole into his grave hole,
When I knock u out the park u will truly be elevated
But you were underrated,
For being able to hold more shit than a cesspit
I even got the pics of u sucking Vinceness tits

Mimesis- Your verse was better overall with the content & flow...nothing amazing, but in my opinion, the opener & closer almost hit harder than /ing's verse. The fact that you pushed a shorter & stronger verse gave you the advantage for this win to me.

/ing- Your structure was good..but you had no good punches or personals. It flowed choppy because it seemed like most of your verse didn't rhyme. You had more creativity used, but ya punches would hit harder if they was worded better. Improvin on your content will help you greatly in the future

Vote: Mimesis