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Old 05-03-06, 07:12 PM   #19
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

Originally Posted by Young Law
as for the girls, there are hot girls everywhere, u prolly jus went to the wrong place

as for money i havent seen all of the canadian bils but in US we have

1,5,10,20,50,100 and so on and its hella easy to make 17 dollars just grab a

10 a 5 and 2 singles

colors are 2 damn complicated

how the fuck would color coordinated money be easier than number coordinated money?

Dude, it's number co-ordinated as well.. dont' deny that it's not easier because it's colourful, you're just fighting a pointless battle on your point. Canadian money also has braille on it for the blind.

Americans have actually thought of changing their money to be colour co-ordinated because it's a better system.

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