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Old 05-05-06, 01:36 AM   #1
SerB's Avatar
Posts: 2,435
Who saw Eminem Angermanagment tour on T.V?



just saw it today on much music.

wow, shit was nuts. thats what hiphop is like.

when they turned off the lights and made the audience put the ligthers up and Eminem did "Cleaning my closet" was ill as fuck.

the whole hype of it.

Loved how eminem used his old songs, his LP, EP , Eminem Show and all that. not many new songs.

overall for my first time seeing it, was dope. that sorta stuff makes me truly love hiphop.

The vibe you felt from the crowd who enjoy the music.

pretty much all the songs you can hear the crowd singing along with. epeically "Sing for the momeny" the whole crowd was singing that.
em ur mother is a crack whore kims a known slut so whats halie goin to be when she grews up?
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