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Old 05-05-06, 07:54 PM   #13
New to RV
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Posts: 70
From: Barnstable
This was feedback posted for Algebra


Al-Nah not a good opener middle and end. No hard hitting punches no flow not really rhymeing and you just wernt creative at all. You were talking about skate most the time and those lines didnt reall work out to great.

OneStepBeyond- Obviously uve been in some leagues. But some of your lines started really good and then turned out played. like

"We’ve done open mic’s and homie you watched as my doors widden,
Now I roll with the big dog’s.. You just roll on the floor crying,"

It was a good verse cuz your punches hit and you set up the diss and then just came outta nowhere nice job.

v/ OneStepBeyond-are you Kontext?


ZiqlAntonio BanderaslNahlidgelMimesislValorlTimlLed Poeticl
Nick FletcherlSelf Portraitl.Jae.Brix.l.Fallen.

Me vs Raw King (tryout for any crew at this point)