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Old 05-06-06, 03:58 AM   #12
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

I love this thread lol.

to suppliment MI's statement, please realize that the story of Moses illustrated in the Bible is the exact story of the Sargon of Akkad found in the Gilgamesh Epics, which pre-dates the bible more than 1000 years. The story of the child in a basket in a river, the coming of plagues that he fought, the exodus of his people and everything are identical. The telling of the flood which estroyed all life and the boat used to sustain life are lifted from the story of Ziusudra in the Gilgamesh Epics. The bible as a whole is a collage of experiences found earlier in history and re-told from a different perspective to be made what was then "current" sourced from the Enuma Enlish and the Gilgamesh Epics - the two original records of human and "god" interaction. The rest is fleshed out using "tradition" from the Druid books and their symbolism is given great value in what's now known as "Christianity".

For example, remember the north star that came into full heavenly view on the day the bible states jesus is born? now who would pay attention to constellations in the time where most could not be seen with the naked eye? Astrology was a practice originally saught after by the druids. That north star is super important to them because it is the right eye of the pagan constellation "dracos", the original "god" idoized in the pagan religion. A star that shone particularly bright on that night. To give it value in your religion, they tell you that this was the day that your savior was born.

Jesus is the "Sacrifical Lamb". Do you know where the term "sacrifical lamb" originates? Druid tradition from the lambs used as life sacrifices in their god-rituals to Dracos at galactic monoliths like Stone henge, the original astrological Calendar.

First born son of every man to be slain sound familliar? The druid holy-day called Halloween was celebrated anually by Druid high priests going door to door to collect the first born child of every family to be sacrificed to their god for favorable deeds on earth. You gave up your child, they marked your door step with a human skull, which today is symbolized with the "jack o lantern".

December 25th sound familliar? Christmas? Nope. December 25th was the original day of Saturnalia, a gift giving holiday celebrated by the greeks hundreds of years before christ was even on earth. The greek god Saturn would be tied to a decorated tree where he's tickled as gifts are given out and people sing and dance. with the redistribution of the roman empire, the name Saturnalia was replaced with "Christ mass" and stated as the birth date of "Jesus". Gifts are still given and the decorated Tree is still symbolic (now as the "christmas tree"). The tradition only changed its name.

don't feel like anyone's picking on christianity, all major religions practiced today have done the same thing. even the story of the Greek Gods is a rendition of the history of Enki and Enlil illustrated throughout the Enuma Enlish, recorded by the first scociety on earth. Even Hinduism is lifted from the already plagerized greek mythology.

To further ilustrate the depth of the illusion, the name "Jesus" came from the combination of the names of the rastafarian god Ja and the greek god Zeus creating Ja-zeus which was later simplified to "Jesus". It's well known that "Jesus" real name is Yashua Bin Yosef (translated Joshua of Joseph). The falsified last name "Christ" is a greek word meaning "savior".

the list goes on and on and on and on.

the truth will set you free.

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