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Old 05-06-06, 06:27 AM   #1
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL
I'm having a conflict of beliefs


Sorry to add another debate of religion in the board, but I've had this on my mind for a while. I believe in God, and it seems like people view believing in any religion as being brainwashed. I don't belong to any religion I just believe in God. What I'm asking everyone is... couldn't displaying an image of ignorance upon faith be someone brainwashing YOU into not believing? There's about a billion religions and so many lies have been told, but part of me always thinks that maybe there's truth in there somewhere. This is my opinion here, it's just what I believe. God probably molds new prophets in different areas, and all of them are supposed to shape those who wish to follow them into serving their purpous here. Everyone's take on this?
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