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Old 05-06-06, 10:55 AM   #22
Skriptz's Avatar
Posts: 159

Dick Riders worship you. But when you lose voters won't think it's staged.
I even got Kempo Doubtin' me, but HOW THE FUCK YOU THINK MIM WAS MADE?
Can you be serious, or delirious, I mean Damn this Joke.
Champ is just not Cut Out for you even if you dropped Ransom Notes.
Ya'll have been suckered in to his skill well this bitch is over.
Your wordplay was so damn Forced, It's using Jedi Mind Tricks on Voters.
One played punch after another, and I'm just sittin' through.
Your drops are full of Setups that look like they Snitched on you.
Ya Girl is fat as fuck and your homo, that's been you right?
Dinner comes she orders 4 sides plus all the Menu like.


Your whole verse was played as hell. . just drop that rhyme, jerk
You'd need gravity, friction AND movement to make that force line work
Me, Myself, And I?. . your title shows you know how it sounds to be rattled
Though that may be a cool movie. .
. .it also means I'm going to Carey your body out of this battle
Haha. . I really can't believe that the whole damn league'll be seeing this
You got that wack style down to a tee. .
. .and I'm bringing a set of golf clubs to beat you with
I'm the Zeus of the league. . here to keep this wack hoe in his place
Cause you just keep getting Gaea with every fucking post that you make
My punches'll keep owning your face. . just give me something to rip
Figuring out your level of talent isn't easy. . but there's still nothing to it
20 lines has been more than enough. . I've already just owned this coward
So here goes nothing. . ahh, wait. .
. .you've had your verse posted for hours

So.Rell – 5
Mimesis – 6

Good battle.. but Mimesis took this. :\

v/ Mimesis
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