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Old 05-08-06, 06:51 PM   #237
...i'm da nicest...
LaTiNKiTTeN's Avatar
Posts: 4,080
From: east coast

Originally Posted by Apexx
you have a pretty creative imagination.

luckily, yet again, history proves you're a liar.

ask anyone on this board that the negative opinion of one person about me really couldn't mean less to me. 1000 people could be hell bent to say "Apexx, I hate your music!!" and I wouldn't try to stop em since, once again, that's their opinion. My music isn't designed for everyone. But you're so desperate to "push my button" because you assumed that I have a "button" to be pushed in the first place. I mean, lets be realistic here, I've gotten accolades from people I hold in way higher regard than you musically, long before you said a word about my music. Add to that, thousands of people have voted me into the top 1% on SC repeatedly. So why would you think that what you had to say would affect me? Have you heard your audios?? Why would I respect the musical opinion of anyone who's music sounds like that? For real. I'm being dead serious here.

I wasn't mad that you said what ever you wanted me to think you felt. I was mad because you kept trying to "push my button" like a little kid. Like how much time of your life do you dedicate to trying your hardest to annoy someone? well..heh..not just "someone". everyone.

and more importantly, the hundreds of hours you dedicate to irritating as many people as possible, what's the point? <------- I can't wait till you don't answer this question.

Don't feel for a minute that I couldn't rip you to shreds LK. I don't waste the time to read your multi-page-long responses because what's the point of arguing with someone to illustrate what I already know and they're trying to ignore?

there is none. and if you DIDN'T know that Thanks for opening my eyes, I gave your intellect WAY more credit than its worth.

You have horribly low self esteem which is why you dress in all black and only post pictures of your face. Like I said, ripping you apart is easy.

dude,i made ONE comment about ur audios,n u been actin like u have a dick up ur ass...NOONE was tryna push ur button,i simply stated juggs had a better flow n u HAD A FIT...who on this board tells u ur music sucks....NOONE cuz,u are on a board with 14 yr old white kids....n the AUDIO HEADS SUCK COCK....u arent on rapmusic,or any other big board with many more experienced audio,u are on RV where audio was next to exctint not long ago rofl.....

i'll say it again about ur "voted in 1% on soundclick bs" the math u aint even in the top 1%....
secondly,MY AUDIOS are gettin better ratings than u....why dont u do the math,#52 out of over 27,000 audios in battle rap...NOT in gay little sub genre categories like feel good hip hop and bass hip hop where YOU put ur stuff so it gets higher rankings cuz there isnt as much competition.......

bla bla bla,bla bla me to shreds RRRRRRROOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFLLLLLLLLL dude,i've humiliated u many of times....all u can come with is " u always wear black n take only pic shots" always wear black? hahaha,u've seen me in ONE picture,n another taken 5 seconds later...but we've been through this...thats like me lookin at one of ur pics,n whatever outfit u wearin,sayin thats ALL u wear......
u are a dumb ass ghetto nigga who pretends to be intellectual amongst 14 yr olds on the internet by watching discovery channel n googling shit ......n u seem to think u have the answer for everything...dude,i responded to u in another thread where i COMPLETELY shut u down,right down to ur size 40 jeans,n u pretended u didnt read it.....when you LIVE on here....i think u be makin more threads than Q......u are a pathetic ,broke ass nobody in real life who lives out a fantasy life over the internet where he is wealthy,a bigtime rapper,good looking...n whatever else u choose to tell urself........whatever helps u sleep at night son...
however,what i see is,that u look like u are AT LEAST 40....n i wouldnt be surprised if u were lyin about ur age,n u were a pedo..................u spend almost 24/7 on here.....u make garbage tracks n u feel good cuz 14 yr old white kids who kno NOTHING about rap stroke ur ego daily....thats what u come here for.........cuz u aint gonna get it nowhere else......

lol good day
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