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Old 05-09-06, 11:05 PM   #3
New to RV
AkHiLeEz_SkYLL's Avatar
Posts: 65

well, at first, it seems as though you're focusing harder on rhyming rather than the battle itself with sell, best bail, best fail tip. i liked the simple wordplay with "u calling for drops like nextel...". this was an overall basic battle verse. however it was bad or terrible. nothing stood out to me, but i'm hard to impress, most vets are.

6/10 good luck.
..::You couldn't touch my SkyLL if i wrote lines on my palm and placed my hand on you::..

Battle Wreckord

.:::~*!*~Line Of Tha Century~*!*~:::...
^-=!~I was checkin' my *reflection*, i'm just as *dope* as *coke on mirrorz*~!=-^