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Old 05-13-06, 06:01 PM   #10
its WU muthafucka
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Posts: 1,118

Originally Posted by Apexx
lmao @ assclowns that never talk about music gear in their life saying they went to school for it.

son ask anyone who's been in the business for a few years, Logic Pro, once again, has been and still is the program other programs aim to be. lmao, just look at the baseline - Pro Tools has a max of 32 stereo tracks. Logic has 255 max. To compare the two is...fruitless. You're lucky Future Producers went down or I'd shit all over your face with about 40 threads worth of truth - from real producers!

Pro Tools is the best on Windows ever since Logic abandoned em. On a Mac system where BOTH programs compete, there is no contest. Logic wins hands down. LMAO, Logic can't even run on windows man lmao. To break it down for a laymen, it's like games that only come out for Xbox, but not PS2 due to PS2's limitations. Mac coding is more streamlined so naturally they can do more with it. And do. Compare features of ProTools to Logic and PT gets blown out the box man, who doesn't know this???

PT's "studio in a can" don't make it better software lmao.
that is bullshit pro tools does not have a max 32 stereo tracks it does 192
and pro tools you can record in true 48bit while in logic pro you can only do 24 bit and the normal 32 bit float
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