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Old 05-13-06, 08:53 PM   #12
its WU muthafucka
locknes's Avatar
Posts: 1,118

Originally Posted by Apexx
Sure abotu that? Pro Tools LE is a max 32. But an expansion pack and you can go to 48.

HD (which costs 10 grand) is the only one that cn do 192 and I don't know anybody foolish enough to spend 10 grand and still can't get 255 tracks.

And lets give PT a round of applause for bing able to record a frequency no devices output in lmao, congrats. The human ear hears no difference in 32 bit sound and anything over it, so who gives a shit?

that's liek a flash light that shines in colors you can't see lmao.

but don't take my word for it:

^^yup, so now me, sweet water, and protools are all lying and wrong

It don't even make sense to go on man it's relaly not that important to me to prove what's already known.

your also forgetting pro tools has some of the best equipment
and who cares that you can record
255 tracks or 192
if you need more than 100 tracks you prolly overdewing it
and u can add 96 more tracks with a interface they have the fact is that pro tools has the best hardware i can list you thousands of things pro tools can do that logic cant do
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