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Old 05-16-06, 12:24 AM   #8
Logic The Goonie
I can rap and stuff.
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Posts: 10,226
From: So. Killa Kali

Originally Posted by Shere Kahn!
well for starters.....does she know you existeence....i know it sounds corny...but does she know who you are..if not...then find a gateway to get her to know who you are..

for some peope its the straight forward method...ya know the walking up to her and just laying it straight...but thats usualy for hte guys that have high confidence levels and been swinging their tool for a mighty long time

and theres where a lot of us (including me) fall into..the category where we try to find a medium for us to getting ina study group she is in....or the accidental bump in the hallway.....the asking if she can proofread a paper...and then slide into a convo about something...if played out smoothly you can get some nice results.....its worked for me

and yes anybody can get with ever seen teh movie Hitch...that movie is fuckin educational when it comes to this shit....i was taking notes in the theatre like a mothafucka.........if what i said dont' please ya...then rent the movie

She's not in any of my classes but I see her a lot in the halls and I'm serious, shes fine as hell. Hence, the dwindling of my confidence level. So i'll prolly just find a friend of hers I know and let it slip I wanna hit it. How romantic.
Originally Posted by Fuck u
walk up and say hi im (insert your name here) I sen you around and thought I may aswell speak to you, so you got time to go get somthing to eat.

see how simply it is.

I might try that if the above strtegy doesn't work. Whatever.

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!

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