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Old 05-20-06, 10:07 PM   #41
Phu Que
R.Christensen's Avatar
Posts: 788

Originally Posted by Nick Fletcher
I won't.

Personally though, I don't see what the big deal is. If somebody puts their picture on the net where it is easily accessible then they should know in a battle.. at some point somebody is going to use it against them.

Its called doing your research on your opponent to find material you can use against them, and a picture is the obvious first choice.

But, if the other dude has never posted a picture on the net before because for some reason they don't want to... or purely because they don't want it used against them in a battle, then I say thats fine to.

But, unless the battle is stated as a picture battle from the get-go a person battling and dropping a verse on somebody's picture is not required to then post one of their own.

I mean, battling ain't about making it an even playing field is it.
If you were to battle some dude on the streets and he comes dressed like a complete ass clown, you wouldn't then be expected to go and dress like a complete ass clown to just to make it fair and shit.

Its a bitch move without determining it to be a pic battle beforehand. Thats like going to a live battle.... and spitting from behind a curtain when you can see the other guy.
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