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Old 05-23-06, 05:31 PM   #19
Poet's Daughter.
Dervla's Avatar
Posts: 360

Voted For: Hair Bear

Willy- Eh Your Punches were average, nothing decent, but nothing whack either, and plus you had personals in there that was hard hitting within your wording. Heh, Ook job, but elevate.

Jiamine- Your whole verse was played out, lost my interest in your verse and voting for you. YOu need to word your Lines a bit more and your set ups are whack. Elevate.
mystery Is a Freak!!

ITawAPuddyKat: Yeah, I guess. But I won't be a Lesbo for life.
Smartone Freal: oh so u DO have plans of turnin str8
ITawAPuddyKat: Well Yes, Yes I do.
Smartone Freal:
ITawAPuddyKat: Lol, all smiles aren't we? Lol
Smartone Freal: lol yea i cant hide what i think bout u
Smartone Freal:
ITawAPuddyKat: ...Oh, what DO you think about me? Lol
Smartone Freal: lol sorry thats private
ITawAPuddyKat: EWWWWWWW..*Sigged*
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