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Old 05-27-06, 03:26 AM   #7
Mad Dog
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Posts: 8,635
From: Crawley, England

Originally Posted by Mimesis
Lmao. What the fuck?

Yeah, that cheap shot at me really hit deep at home. I'm about to go cry to strobe like you did when LK sigged a picture of you. A diss from you is like a retard coming up to me and being like, "I bet you don't know what 1+1 is!!!" It's just stupid. You're on all day (but of course on invisible mode so it looks like you have this kick ass life) and don't do shit.

You're record label died in like, 5 days. You claim to have all these degrees, but you're still able to spend hours upon hours on this site (day and night). You're gay. . which is a diss in itself. You're a fucking nobody, man.

What have you done that should make me give two shits about you or your disses/opinion of me? Your music career has always been in the toilet, you have no job, no life. . instead you bitch to a bunch of kids on a rap site. The SAME rap site that you give yourself your OWN DAMN AWARDS so you can use it as a reason for why you don't have to cry yourself to sleep at night thinking of the pitiful, shitty life that you've been living for 25 or so years.

You're a fucking clown. I'll leave this thread open just to see your response and just to see nobody (except your OYD buddies) give two shits about your proofless "diss" towards me. You don't me and you don't know anything about me, so just shut the fuck up, realize you're a waste of life and just fucking die.

bold = only went invisible since i found out he is 29

Originally Posted by High Dro
furthermore, june 3rd is the only good day to be born

^ Amen Brother ^

Originally Posted by ∆ P E X X
i'm still tryin to figure out how bein born in another country makes somebody fake.


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