Thread: over the years
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Old 05-29-06, 01:52 AM   #1
Banned: Biting
Posts: 13
From: Myrtle Beach, SC originally from South Jerzee/Philly, PA
Thumbs up


Ok here goes my first post lol....I liked this a lot, the beginning did not grab my attention and I overcame my severe ADD and continued to read. In doing this, I found a very decent descriptive piece. I did not expect the poem to become what it became and that is what I enjoyed most about it. I hate when I start a poem and can almost finish it myself because it is so damn cliche.

My favorite part:
Where the park was the place
and bikes were a must
Not caring about the dirt on your face
and feeling cool when you cuss
riding trails your parents banned you from
climbing rocks, trees, then falling from'em
no peer pressure
no feeling to fit in
because everyone was one
and everyone was in

Well keep it up and look out for my stuff, I'll be posting tonight or tomorrow.

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