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Old 05-30-06, 01:33 AM   #6
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Haha. . Chris Stylez. .

I already flawlessed your ass in the LBL, and now you want a rematch like you have any chance of winning?. . Fuck out of here. .

Chris sucks and I don't. . so you best believe you'll get left dead, kid
There wouldn't be a Shining thing in your verse if Jack Nicholoson read it
Readers expect shit, you still astound them. . sound the alarms quick
Cause when voters say Jesus, Christ. .
. .is cause they weren't even expecting that amount of garbage
Back down. . you ain't a fucking savior. . so I'm keep ripping this fag
This'll only be the second coming of Christ cause that's where he's finishing at
Shouldn't have come. . I'll throw punches till this guy is dead n'. .
. .I'm just known for burying more Tyl than the bombers of 9-11
I'll keep exposing your wack ass until when you post. . nothing's read
Then make this Lez,bo enough to shoot apples off anybody's fucking head
You aren't respected. . no matter how you put it, you'll still lose guy
So I'll keep cutting Rist's. . with the hope that you finally commit suicide
Save the site, with a blade in sight I'll take your life. . I drop pests
By bringing one punchline and nameplays. .
. .and still leaving my opponents flawlessed

That's how it's done. .