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Old 05-30-06, 11:20 AM   #43
La Cosa Nostra
Bangs like bikini attol
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From: Gaza Strip

Originally Posted by Tha Q.
Anyone who would ingest hard/illegal/toxic drugs/substances knowing the risks aren't making prudent choices, IMO. Anyone has the right to take what they want. But, don't dare suggest that drugs are benign. They have an effect. They are mind-altering. That's why people take them in the first place. Alcohol, for example, causes cirrohsis of the liver. We've all seen drugs/alcohol ruin someone's life. And, you really don't know how your body will respond to certain hard drugs. It's just not worth the risk.

As for legal drugs/medicines, those are more worth the risk, IMO.

Example: I noticed 2 years ago that I had high blood pressure. So, I modified my diet and started exercising 4-5 days a week to lower it. After 3 months, my blood pressure remained the same. So, I have to consider medication to lower my BP, especially after discovering that it runs in the family. Are there risks to taking the BP medication? Yes. Are those risks worth it? Yes, because I almost have no other alternative at this point. But, sucking down cocaine, ecstasy, meth-am, heron, and alcohol for the sake of taking it serves no purpose other than to alter your state of mind. Is that worth the risk of:

A) Killing yourself
B) Ruining your life
C) Destroying your family?


And, if you claim that drugs are harmless, then you are in denial and lying to yourself. If you believe that, then, why not ingest CYANIDE? I mean, it COULD BE the latest drug of choice. They just tell you it's poisonous to "scare" you.

^^Is that the logic I'm reading here? That's asinine.

Oh, PS. Part of a job I had 4 years ago was working with health/anti-drug outreach groups to promote a clean and healthy living. So, I know a thing or two about the symptons and repercussions of using/abusing drugs.

Nuff said. Arguments from junkies and alkys. tsk tsk tsk
And, the same can be said for people who abuse prescription meds.


Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk

And guess what..


So what makes you think you can talk in the first place?

I swear man, you sound like a kid whose seen a porno and thinks hes a sex god...

And heres a fact for you..


And the minority of idiots whove actually died from overdosing is in such a laughable comparison to say.......people who die from hand guns.... People who die from drink driving..... People who die from cancer....

Pick your poison man...

I'm really straining myself to not call you names right now... Just realise your not an expert on this issue by anyones standards.... So you needa just accept that you dont really know what your talking about and move on..

Instead of being such a pseudo expert on everything..


So shut it...
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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