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Old 05-31-06, 12:12 AM   #16
a.k.a prozak
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Posts: 2,177
From: your walkman

Originally Posted by Tha Q.
1. The United States' military is the most powerful in the world.

2. President Bush controls the military. He is the "commander in chief."

3. Whoever controls militia (or military forces) controls the world.

Love him or hate him, George Bush is successful. He's managed to get his way at almost every turn.

George Bush is the most powerful man in the world.


u wrong bout the 1st...china is because they make thousands of high technology shit..everything is made in china so who knows what they got up they sleeve....and besides china is soooo overpopulated that they only limited ta have 1 kid per family by if u go ta war wit they troops they gon have ENDLESS drafts...oh and by the way all of their kids are 100% sane
if they have a mentally retarded baby they put it to sleep once again by law because china believes if a baby cant function properly it has no right ta live.....yes sounds harsh but is true..look it up for urslef if u dont believe me
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