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Old 06-01-06, 12:44 PM   #15
Roger Glocks
Middle Weight
Posts: 412

nick fletcher

fav lines doing like other people for this battle

This is a bit one-sided don’t ya think. . kid, I’ll easily rape ya. .
I asked for some competition, what do I get ?
. . the fucking guy who got owned by Brendan Fraser!

Bitch, you should hang ya head in shame, cause ure acting sucks, truly. .
Whilst I’m known for walking tall. .
. .ure just known for making it a shitty movie.

I’ll hit you with the spear, the jackhammer… beat you till ure spent
And I’d be afraid of the backlash, if I hadn’t already owned you at that event.

Tough S.O.B. my ass. . my weak punches are enough to kill. .
And that’s the bottom line. . which ironically is also above ure skill!
Austin’s a lazy bitch. . so I’ll be whoopin’ him fast. .
I mean even his finishing move ends with him sitting on his ass!
I’m coming at you full force. . and Steve you ain’t hittin’ me
So you better brace ureself, and I don’t mean fixing ure crippled knee.
Fucking bald bitch. . I’m making this jew fall. .
. .and it’ll be like playing pool the way I’m striking this cue ball.
Know ure worthless. . a man WWE knew they shudn’t have hired
I mean Austin 3:16. .
. .is probably close to the amount of times you’ve been fired.

Wack motherfucker. . you’ve been a pussy ure whole life
But Austin is known to own bitches – when it comes to beating his wife.
I’m a nice guy really. . but I’m gonna beat ya ‘n’ get the 1..2..3 yo
I just wanna say sorry. .
. . that I have to own a guy who looks like he’s on chemo!

^^lol fucking murdered austin lol

(10 bars)

So Rell

These two doods are here? Oh i get it now clueless is clear.
Your drops are so Rundown, and Ironically so is your Movie Career.
Retire from wrestling and Acting...take my word for it you prolly should.
I ain't gone lie that Eyebrow was my initial reaction to Hollywood.

How can Goldberg talk about hair loss, that's too gay.
Don't confuse that for a Dog - Ngga that's a toupee

It's been awhile since you were nice it's distorted sometimes.
If I knock you back you'd still fall short of your prime.

Words will hurt dude - Basically he's toned and scared.
Yea I got arrested...
but didn't you get your ass kicked by convicts in the Longest Yard?

My Fist are Top Gun mainly teeth seeking.
You talk real big, but have you ever beat me?

(6 bars)


You dominated that guy, it's something that didn't leave doubt
But why were you still in that position 10 minutes after the 3 count?

I'll beat you with ease, it's something that's good to believe
Cause I'm overpowering a bitch like the way your son was conceived

You missed The Invasion and WE got you booted
So how did it feel being the ONLY WCW star that wasn't recruited?
Yeah you beat me at Backclash n' the whole show was cost
Cause I was shooting 3 films, had a torn hamstring...
...And you STILL almost lost

Fucking NEANDERTHAL, you're hideous, weak and boneless
With such a bum chin that your jaw could be a refuge for the homeless

You got run the fuck over, all part of a whacked plan
So how does it feel having your career ended by a pretty boy and a fat man?

Yea I'm hated by fans and the fact they love him is a waste
Cause I've always been a heel... stomping all over Austins face

Ya trunks are ridiculous, don’t even come with a fight man
So Y Front? Your ranks always been underwear I am

(8 bars)

damm close battle...appo came dope wish you both focused on each other...nick fletcher just murder'd rell was ok...but it woulda been better if it was 1 on 1 ...for more hotter bars...nick fletcher brought it...

vote-nick fletcher
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