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Old 06-02-06, 01:36 PM   #7
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Posts: 60

Originally Posted by Jae Stackz
Yo, I aint picking out white people in general but some white peoples, well most white people in my school are koo, we all get along n shit, however most of em just see the fact that im black..Like whose Jae yeah the black dude..I duno some white gurl told me that thats what most white people see like they dont look down initially at black people but its like second nature, that cos im black automatically im under you. They dont treat me bad its always like they accept the fact that im below n shit...thats what alota dudes been tellin me black and white, Im jus wonderin if any of yall white peoples on here could be honest n jus say yo shit like is it jus parta ya brain to feel a sense of superiority over black peoples or whatever it is..holla atcha boi 1

yeah had the same experience i mean its true there is no need to look further we the black folks are juss looked down upon though nobody wants to make it quite obvious you just see it. The other time i was in Beverly Hills got this shop assistant just following me all over whilst white dudes are just walkin all over freely no attention paid to them whats wrong with us man

predefined mistique, i`ma whip you to the east wing
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