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Old 06-02-06, 09:31 PM   #34
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

Lmao,'re stupid. Why do you fuck girls? Because pussy is pussy, you probably don't care about race, you just throw the girl back in the sea after you catch her and move on. That has nothing to do with your stance on 'white bois', so stop trying to justify your 'lack of racism' with 'my stepdad is white'. What do you know, so is mine.

And wtf at that idiot saying 'take away his martial arts and he'd get fucked up'. Uh...take away a boxer's boxing techniques and he'd get fucked up...and take away a street fighter's talent and he'd be fucked up. What the hell are you talking about? The martial arts was Bruce Lee's way of fighting, so why would you say some stupid shit like 'take away his way of fighting and he'd lose a fight'. Nah, really?
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