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Old 06-02-06, 09:39 PM   #40
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

Psh, yeah dude. You're so right.

If i was racist..i wouldnt be able 2 stand a white girl
There are different degrees of racism. And people change. You can't be this stupid.

and i def wouldnt live with a white guy for 8 yrs
Degrees of racism.

and i def wouldnt let him be with my mother. im step dad is 160..i coulda been killed em
I doubt you have much say in who your mother goes out with..and not everyone is racist enough to kill a person. Degrees of racism. And you've probably grown accustomed to him.

Ya can say im racist if i want 4 sayin White Boi
We're saying you're racist because you're stereotyping.

i really dont give 2 shitz and a fuck...
So why are you responding?

i kno wha i kno...catz in my crew are white
Crazy people don't know they're crazy. And even if they are in your crew, I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. You've still stereotyped a race, I don't give a shit how many white people you surround yourself with.

On Rv and ya point really isnt there
Yes, it is.

but lets see who has a racist statement next
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