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Old 06-06-06, 01:28 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Terumoto
Marriage doesn't matter anymore now, it's just for show.

If it was still traditional, there wouldn't be divorces, pre-nups, sham marriages, hardly any punishment for adultery etc. Marriage has lost it's meaning. They should just change the name of it to like "legally binding partnership" or something, then idiots wouldnt get all butthurt about gays marrying when they're the ones defiling it by cheating on their wives, having sex with whoever they want before they get married and getting three divorces.

this post made me laugh.

'Legally Binding partnership' - ahh dude that is what marriage is.

thats like saying. we should call bread wheat.

but anyways... Marriage means alot to religious ppl. but since there homosexuals then they aren't religious.
em ur mother is a crack whore kims a known slut so whats halie goin to be when she grews up?
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