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Old 06-06-06, 09:53 AM   #6
Shear Kaughn
Broke as hell
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Posts: 2,276
From: Tenn-EZ

Originally Posted by gladbag
The South is ruining hip-hop

Says the Results of Last Week's Poll
I wasn't sure what to think when I was putting together last week's poll. On the one hand, it's a fairly common sentiment in hip-hop circles that a lot of southern rap sucks balls. But as the Bun B incident proved, it's also true that southern rap has no shortage of defenders on the Internet.

The results:

The South (178 votes)
Hispanics (146 votes)
The Bay Area (53 votes)
So the South ended up winning, er, losing. Actually, I was surprised that hispanics got as many votes as they did. I can only take this to mean that people are beginning to bend to my point of view when it comes to illegal immigration and also reggaeton, both of which have been a scourge on the black community.

could someone please prove to me how the south is ruining hip hop....because in all actuallity it seems like yall are just hating on the south for no reaon at all. give me one reason.....just one why the south is ruining the hip hop scene...and don't tell me some bullshit that "curnk/snap music isn't lyrical"......because obviously that isn't what those artist are trying to do...they make "party" music

sooo give me a reason why the south is ruinng hip hop......i doubt you could..becasue the only answer you'll give me is that "the south sucks, not lyrical"..........if you don't like it...then shit...who gives a fuck
Hello everyone
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