Thread: Belief.
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Old 06-06-06, 10:16 PM   #15
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Originally Posted by Terumoto
I grew up as a Roman Catholic, and I studied theology... I then became a protestant, Atheist, Agnostic and now finally I'm set on the right path.

Do you have any idea how good Christianity is? I would love to be a Christian. I would absolutely love it. It means eternal life, constant unwavering love, and it's role model is perfect. However it isn't that easy. From all my years of being "Christian" i've learnt something. I'll give you an analogy.

Let's say i'm a curious young boy who climbed up to a high branch in a tall tree. Now, Christianity tells me I should jump down and let my father catch me. The right path tells me I should climb down by myself. I have faith, and jump down from the branch... My leg is broken, and I become crippled. Christianity tells me my father will come and carry me. The right path tells me I should pick up a stick, and walk by myself.

What do you think i'm going to do?

That's exactly how I think now.
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