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Old 06-08-06, 06:34 PM   #7
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AkHiLeEz_SkYLL's Avatar
Posts: 65

Jesus Christ.

this shizzzzzzz was dope.
skyll = dope. it's obviously something BOTH you and i know.

let me show you people what feed is.

I know now my feelings are getting harder to hide
It tears my heart up inside
I need protection no armor provides
But saying you’re fine without me?
That’s like saying the waves ain’t part of the tide

these opening lines were hot, i was drawn in. that wave/tide concept was ill, period.

Emotion takes over, from the picture my mind drops
I wish I could rewind clocks
Make time stop

simple, but still made me smirk

We’re not perfect, but we fit so perfectly

dope meta.

To me, this feeling in my gut is new
All my previous views of love have been cut in two
And now I don’t know what to do
You’re the man of my dreams but my dreams don’t live up to you

these were hot. the last line made me go "ahhhh". good shit.

as for the hook, PERFECT.

I can’t blame her, and I’m sure she’d like to ignore me
But she knows we ended the book with an unfinished story

very nice

You’re the author of my emotions
Your pen keeps steady motion
And I read without my eyes open
Cuz I read with my heart, something she can’t do

read without ya' eyes open? hot. real hot.

And I’ll feel this way until the mountains flatten out
The way I chase you, it feels like a game of cat and mouse
But the world’s a crazy place, we gotta face the facts
One day the mice will turn around and chase the cats
I guess I’ll have to wait until that day comes
Cuz that’ll be a chase I won’t run away from

mountain line was good. "One day the mice will turn around and chase the cats"<--that line amazed me. the ending was good too.

flow - perfect at times, although some lines would be stretched or end to early.
multis - your opening lines had multis and they were simple and made sense, but i took the bait and i'm glad.
concept - hot.
metas - you know what you're doing. nice.
vocab - nothing to big, but it didn't need to sound "intelligent". vocab used was best suited for this concept.
structure - great, lines were the perfect length.
overall - 9/10

keep droppin.

-A. Skyll.

also. just because this is my fiance`, does NOT mean i'm going to be ALL over her shit and gassing her. trust me, i've told her when something wasn't good. this was a dope drop though. i give credit where it's due. s'all i've ever done.
..::You couldn't touch my SkyLL if i wrote lines on my palm and placed my hand on you::..

Battle Wreckord

.:::~*!*~Line Of Tha Century~*!*~:::...
^-=!~I was checkin' my *reflection*, i'm just as *dope* as *coke on mirrorz*~!=-^
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