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Old 06-09-06, 10:44 AM   #14
rellik's Avatar
Posts: 103


High school girls are the shallowest pieces of shit this earth has yet to recognize.

1. They're evil
2. They have no conscience
3. Play too many fucking games
4. Ignorant beyond the meaning of the word.

How do I know...I am a high school female, and I witness it first hand. The only thing that seperates me from these evil bitches is that I for one have a brain which is functional, and I'm more of a "one of the homeboys" type. I play basketball and chill with tha dudes cuz I can't be bothered with all the fucking drama in a friendship with a bitch.

My advice: The best thing to do is get the ugliest girl in school and make her your sex slave. Shit, you can have a whole crew of ugly bitches and whore their hideous faces to desperate freshman virgins. Make a profit.

Just don't fuck with em'. They're mentally unstable.
My conscience was fucking with I shot it
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