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Old 06-10-06, 03:22 AM   #22
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by JTR
Rofl @ people saying there's more to life then money and money won't make you happy

Stfu, if Bill Gates walked up to you and gave you ALL his money, you wouldn't be happy?

Stfu, waking up to a Ferrari in the driveway of your GIANT mansion wouldn't make you happy?

Get the fuuuuuuuuuck outta here

Ya, chilling in an apartment with a shitty job eating pizza is muuuuuch better.

Y'all fucking stupid, roooooooooooooooofl

I think you just say that because you grew up in a wealthy family (correct me if im wrong).

Can't you see that that isn't happiness? I'm sure you've experienced it. You buy something brand new, and it gets old. You get bored of it. Whether it be a game, a piece of clothing, a car, a house, Anything. Sure, a mansion is great, but you get used to it, then a mansion is the norm.

And what do you do when you're bored of your new toys? You go out and buy something else, something that makes you happy for a short period of time. Then you get bored of it... And its time to go out and buy something new again.

Is that happiness? Buying meaningless crap so you can get bored of it over and over again?

Name one thing that you've bought, that you are absolutely sure you will still have in ten years, still use in ten years, still think about in ten years, or still be excited about in ten years. Can you think of anything? I can't.

So if life isnt about money, then what is it about? Find out for yourself.
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