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Old 06-10-06, 08:00 PM   #19
I have a lot to learn...
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From: Life.

Originally Posted by .Theory.
soccer is ok but gets boring cus its mostly for girls.

I don't think i've ever known a girl that plays soccer, or seen girls playing soccer, or even heard of girls playing soccer. It's just that rare... Maybe in like high school or some crap.

Originally Posted by Fat Bastard DR
your talking about soccer, soccer wasnt involved in that statement
like i said, they dominate in every sport
so other homo ass countries have to resort to only playing for the cup

lol and a not so serious thought
about those TV viewing figures you brought up
the only reason they watch soccer so much, is because its the only sport they are semi-good at

America loses at hockey to Canada... Loses at swimming to Australia... Loses at soccer to everyone... Loses at rugby to everyone.

What sports are America good at?

Baseball: Is there even a world leaque or tournament for baseball? America wins because America is the only country in the league.

Basketball: Same deal as above. (but I imagine if there WERE a world basketball tournament, America would win just because of the choice of players their world team would have. ANY player from ANY team. And since other countries bball leagues arent as developed, their teams wouldnt be as good.)

Athletics: America has won the most track and field events ever. But lets not forget, they also have the worst history in illegal drug use in athletics, ever. Not to mention a certain sprinter.

Olympics: Americas tactic = Put as many people as possible in every single event. This way, if they dont win at least they will still get a medal.

By the way, I have never met or heard of a gay person that watches soccer. There are definitely homo soccer fans out there, but I havent come across any. But I HAVE met hundreds of straight soccer fans. So I dont know where you guys get your info.

America are like little kids... When they lose at something, they say they dont care about it. But when they win something or excel at something, they boast and are arrogant. Its part of what I dont like about america, that made me move. Of course thats just a generalization, and there are Americans that are humble and down to earth. But the majority (as demonstrated in this thread) are kings at being big headed.
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