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Old 06-13-06, 06:38 AM   #32
Mad Dog
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Posts: 8,635
From: Crawley, England

Originally Posted by Terumoto
I don't think i've ever known a girl that plays soccer, or seen girls playing soccer, or even heard of girls playing soccer. It's just that rare... Maybe in like high school or some crap.

America loses at hockey to Canada... Loses at swimming to Australia... Loses at soccer to everyone... Loses at rugby to everyone.

What sports are America good at?

Baseball: Is there even a world leaque or tournament for baseball? America wins because America is the only country in the league.

Basketball: Same deal as above. (but I imagine if there WERE a world basketball tournament, America would win just because of the choice of players their world team would have. ANY player from ANY team. And since other countries bball leagues arent as developed, their teams wouldnt be as good.)

Athletics: America has won the most track and field events ever. But lets not forget, they also have the worst history in illegal drug use in athletics, ever. Not to mention a certain sprinter.

Olympics: Americas tactic = Put as many people as possible in every single event. This way, if they dont win at least they will still get a medal.

By the way, I have never met or heard of a gay person that watches soccer. There are definitely homo soccer fans out there, but I havent come across any. But I HAVE met hundreds of straight soccer fans. So I dont know where you guys get your info.

America are like little kids... When they lose at something, they say they dont care about it. But when they win something or excel at something, they boast and are arrogant. Its part of what I dont like about america, that made me move. Of course thats just a generalization, and there are Americans that are humble and down to earth. But the majority (as demonstrated in this thread) are kings at being big headed.

this post = wordness

lets see

America dominate in sports only AMERICA are interested in i.e American Football, Basketball, Baseball thats about it

whereas the minute you step out the field it's a different story...

and football isn't jus for girls...but it's a universal sport my ex's sister went to Oklohama to gain a degree in football she's real good...but as for "pats on the backs" and it being pissy obviously Theory has no fucking idea on how football in the UK works...AT's a national passion aight not everyone likes football but the ones who are even REMOTELY interested fuckin love've obviously never saw the riots in Turkey where 2 Leeds fans were killed after a UEFA Cup've obviously never seen footage of football riots in the UK or anywhere for that matter...

it's not a pussy sport...

football tackles have been labelled as a lot more dangerous than mosts obviously never saw Luc Nillis' leg after he collided wit Shaka Hislop which shattered his shin and forced him to retire after jus 5 games for Aston Villa and he was a world rated never saw Casiraghi's leg smash the same way that Nillis' did after a similar incident with another goalie Richard Wright

Michael Owen swallowed his tounge after gettin booted in the face by a mexican he nearly died...but came back on and scored his first England goal in sick style jus after 1 min

this Tamworth goalkeeper had to retire after he lost a kidney after a boot to the kidney region...obviously...

and one person back in the 50's died of a fractured skull after a high leg challenge...

so ye footballs a pussy sport

it's also the biggest sport in the world...nothing else really touches it because football is so infuectial in culture other sport can really say many African kids do you see coming together in the community to play a bit of American Football???


Football is more than's a way of life...fuck if anything some would say it's a religion...

but you americans won't see it that way as long as you're making 'touchdowns', 'home runs' & 'slam dunks' in ya little fantasy world where everyone loves American sports...-_-

Originally Posted by High Dro
furthermore, june 3rd is the only good day to be born

^ Amen Brother ^

Originally Posted by ∆ P E X X
i'm still tryin to figure out how bein born in another country makes somebody fake.


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