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Old 06-14-06, 03:13 PM   #13
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Why would I pinkslip battle you in ANYTHING, let alone audio?

If you get banned, what? We rid LL of your bullshit ass threads. Sounds like you have a lot to lose.
If I get banned. . I lose a mod spot in like, 3 forums. A 72-0 record, etc.

I go on vacation in a few days, and so I won't be on. . but when I get back I'll battle you in audio regularly if that's what you want to do. I've never audio battled in my life, but I'll get a verse up. . just not for slips. That'd be gay as shit. Why would I pinkslip battle somebody in something that I've never done before? That doesn't even make sense. That'd be like, me calling out Daubs to a pinkslip graphics match. What the fuck. . I don't know how to make a good graphic. That's just retarded.

I'll battle you in audio regularly, though. I don't really give a shit. I'll get at you when I get back from vacation. We leave in a few days.
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