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Old 06-15-06, 12:27 PM   #12
Dont Fuck With Me! EZ....
rexless's Avatar
Posts: 764

you shoulda lost last week...

im incredible, its inevitable im one step ahead of you
thats picture perfect rhyming^
like the kid i should be clowning instead of you
You were NEVER good, and youll never set sails, duke
'Cos the peak of ya game'll just be where i impale you
better hail duke, found u out and your old names
figured your alias must vice versa cos i heard u go both ways
your no legend killer, your never flexing a vet...
theres a 9 next your name...
... now whatch me put one next to your head
SPuL's such a loser that he baught his chors...
and he capitalized the L... just to support the cause


Whoever wins, goes to the contendership, but kid, you're going down
Cuz I bring that hotshh<--- while that's just who you wont face next round
This fatty's life is like the LBL. Clearly you can tell
Cuz even if he drop a LB or 2... he still gon be left with the L!
I only hear Monsier, whenever I go to France and choose to dine
I ain't saying you off the hook<--- I'm just placing you infront of mine!
Get your mind involved in it, son. This the time to prove what you about
...Mine's ^^^^ in brainstorm season...
........ ... while mon's is obviously in the midst of an eternal drought!
Watch me rip this fag up quickly. It'll surely be a sight
Cuz we all know monsier to lose...and I ain't trying to be polite!

vote: monsiuer by a hair if that.....

i thought spul had more played diss/punches that was useless or just was hitting for me...
monsiuer had hes fair share of weak punches and played personal but they did hit slight better i thought...
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