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Old 06-16-06, 02:29 PM   #27
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by chronix
There's this one place in chicago that does that too dooms, it cost 1.60 per copy, and they linked wit, where you can the copies they make for u can be sent to n' when amazon sells it they send you money n' tell you when they need a new shipment. I'm prolly gonna use it for my next project (not sure about sending 'em to yet, cuz what's the point if you don't have major exposure). But yea, it def seems worth it....Cuz going the cheap route at kinko's is a RIP OFF. like a dollar for each copy off a slide in cover for a half-way decent print. Also add the printed cover on top of the actual cd, and cases, and the cd's, all out of your money. Plus you gotta cut covers out yourself leaving much room for error, so yea, proffessional is the best way to go if you actually give a shit. Anyway, the projects I completed so far (in order):

D.O.P.E. Vol. I
D.O.P.E. Vol. II
Unreleased Cd (never gave it a name n decided to scrap all except for 2 tracks from it)
Start Praying Under Construction (promo)
Start Praying

I'm working on:
Los Mos Queridos (sp? I'm not spanish lol) (reggaetone album with current crew)
Never Left
Verbal Abuse (group mixtape wit former crew)

For those asking "WTF? UR doing reggaetone?"
I'm in a weird position right now....but long story short, I'm with a crew that does reggaetone, it's pretty dope though, i got there as a marketing idea to use me to pull in people who don't really understand spanish (so they have somethin to listen to). I'm gonna be with them for 3 albums (yes albums) and they handle distribution for my mixtapes. I left my former crew cuz they fucked up distribution wise n' fucked me out of money, but we still on semi-good terms, so I'm still gonna be involved on their group project.

Shit, I couldn't have said it better my self man, you lose out in going with low quality CD's. Unless you're doing thme in suppeerrr small amounts (as in, less than 100) you end up spending more...for less!

And I ain't mad at all at that reggae tone man, it's 2006

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