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Old 06-17-06, 12:23 PM   #8
atti?'s Avatar
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Originally Posted by Gopha
am I ready to die? yes, do I want to? no. Being unreligious within myself I have basically established the fact that in the grand scheme of things my life, and anyother humans beings is pathetically miniscule. People say they are not "ready to die" because they have no accomplished what they wanted to, I believe in no such idea. You accomplish everything you were supposed to before you die, there is no point in struggling, its fate.

Two statements that entirely contradict one another. You don't disclude religion, you doubt it, by reading an internet post I can tell that. Your personality is pecimistic and your outlook on life will only lead to a fear of death, rather than a welcoming to a "retirement" so to speak. You're afraid of religion, because you don't understand it. Many of the individuals so devoutly apposed to religion, are really the most lost and unfortunately hopeless people by their own seclusion. You don't really hate, or deny religion, you put on a front of utter disgust in hopes that one day some individual will present some fact that will lay the ground work for your epiphany, and then you can for once feel the comfort and love of faith that you've heard so much about. I know you because I am you, learn to love life... Trust me, it's not worth it await the end; dine at life and have an extra chair for death.

Life is beautiful man.
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